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Underpinnings of Relativity

‌Physics without Footings is TOE-less

Fundamentally, humans cannot create a Theory of Everything (TOE)
• James Dunn © April 2023


This thesis by James Dunn (et ai.) explores the limitations of humans in creating a Theory of Everything (TOE) in physics. Discusses the constructs of Relativity and the challenges of modeling Actual Physics, including the manipulation of space/time physics. The author argues that the human mind is restricted to state-based expressions regarding stateless physics. The thesis delves into topics such as how Dark Matter and Dark Energy may occur, the scalar representation of uncharacterized vectors, dimensional dualities, building extra dimensions, the Cosmic Microwave Background changing due to dimensions of physics evolving, gravity, and the manipulation of realism. Emphasized is the contextual nature of language and the need to consider evolving flux in modeling actual physics. The article concludes by comparing observable physics with discussed implications, including the detection of a Thermally Flat Universe and the existence of underpinnings that predate the first detected galaxies. Finally, the author argues that while humans are unable to comprehend the evolving nature of Actual Physics to formulate a TOE, stateless AI may have the capacity to achieve modeling a Theory of Everything and manipulate Space/Time physics.


Actual physics is stateless; everything mutually influences everything else, including what we do not yet detect; and what we cannot model. (1, 2, 3, 4)

  • Science related contradictions with actual physics; in actual physics:
    • Every fully defined reference point is unique
    • Every fully defined reference point is a continuum of localization and adjacency
    • Similar to DNA, every fully defined reference point is characterized by the entire stateless universe; localization
    • Every point characterizes the entire Universe because it is a continuum of localization and adjacency
    • A stateless flux is characteristically described as an evolving flux

All information, mathematics operators, words, numbers, data, mathematics relationships, and names are approximations: state-based units + expected variation (x ± a); an approximate frame of reference plus expected variation deviating from that frame of reference.

Localization measurement is lost when outside of detection capability.  Corollary: Any legitimate Theory of Everything (TOE) provides absolute localization within the entire universe.

  • Underlying problems with scientific notations and quantum-based probabilities:
    • all relationships are independent of each other, unless explicitly stated
    • intersecting and overlapping perspectives form a continuum of partial perspectives that do not describe anything with exactness
    • units as vague poorly constrained definitions that diversely overlap as approximations
      • plus, scalar composites of vast uncharacterized vectored variabilities
    • a state-based system is most closely described as a recurrent system
      • changes are described as discrete steps of change
      • to express more exact relationships, approximations are increasing numbers of unique discrete representations of approximations
      • the more continuous the explanation, the fewer the number of approximations considered.

The more approximations overlap, the more vague explanations share multiple perspectives simultaneously.  Humans force outcomes to fit approximations.  Energy and Force are therefore derived and not representative of actual physics for more than gross frame of reference approximations.  Frame of Reference requires “defining constraints” to be predictive in modeling, but most of actual physics has not yet been approximated nor detectable.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle isn’t a limitation due to actual physics.  The Principle is due to human limitations.(12)

To circumvent the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, to better model of physics to manipulate “space/time physics” / gravity, requires an increasing number of variables to provide more exact definitions than present Scientific/Engineering Units.

I know nothing, but I cannot prove it

In spoken and written language, Contextual Definition plus social, emotional, and logical variations based on personal and societal variations shape expression. Language is different from the region, time, morality, education, and vastly many other interrelated factors.(5, 6, 7)

People tend to believe that truths exist, but only an intended journey toward truth exists. Every form of expression is contextual, with hidden intended meanings and partial perspectives that change.  Because I cannot know anything, I cannot prove anything.  The same relates to modeling physics.

Mathematics as a language applied to Actual physics expresses an unintended acceptance of variation and creates hidden variables and hidden dimensions.

A critical need in theoretical physics is to correlate evolving influence that exists in all forms of human state-based experiences. States when related to actual physics, are systems of loosely defined approximations.

Body of Work

Actual Physics has no variation, everything happens because it must happen.

When we observe an inconsistency, it is due to our limiting perspectives, inability to detect, complexity exceeding our capacity to correlate… Humans have fundamental limitations related to actual physics.(8)

Stateless flux and State-based systems are orthogonal. Stateless flux has no variations, and state-based systems are completely composed of variations; both units and expected variability.

The word “State” sounds fixed and definite; but as we look deeper, states have progressively more features than previously considered.

Of specific interest in this thesis is Gravity. However, warping space/time physics has very broad applications.

    • gravitational tractors
    • dimensionally tunable gravity where gravity has different types that only interact with each other; Dark Matter
    • projecting virtual magnetic cores
    • instantaneous communications
    • forcing chemistry reactions different than usually achievable
    • interdimensional materials (non-deformable in some aspects)
    • … other forms of bending realism, include philosophy, religious beliefs, our sense of self in a multiverse … our obligations to others we have never met in worlds we haven’t imagined(13)

Scalar Representation of Uncharacterized Vectors

Human scientific expression is based on Frames of Reference that are poorly considered partial perspectives, plus unconstrained vectors of variation, which include scientific/engineering units and their mathematical operators.

Hidden within descriptions/words/units are overlapping interpretations; overlapping dimensions; and uncharacterized influences.(14)

Spacetime relates to curvature

Space/Time relates to localization and adjacencies

A dimension is a variable that operates consistently throughout a frame of reference. Variables as a state of existence have increasing complexity the more one looks. Actual physics is stateless.

A state is a frame of reference that is ideally well-constrained so variables are consistent throughout the frame of reference; without any gaps in considerations. In regards to state-based frames of reference that model Actual Physics, “well-constrained” does not exist.

State-based models DO NOT at all completely constrain any part of Actual Physics.

A Universe is a complete frame of reference; which as a state of consideration does not actually exist (state-based model).

A constrained universe is a partial perspective of a frame of reference where all that is known (information) is modeled with some mutual consistency. Yet, dynamically changing uncharacterized vectors of variations persist.

Circular logic plus variations are useful for engineering but are a roadblock for science. A system of scalars representing uncharacterized vectors.  Hidden Variables.

Attempting here to objectively look at what is perceived as dimensional realism; a Dimensional structure (frame of reference) composed of subordinate dimensions (system of scalars; which are uncharacterized vectors in transition).

Word Hash: Realism is commonly referred to as a “Dimension” or an observable universe, considered to be within a Multiverse. Mutually consistent scalar magnitudes organized by reference type (scientific units), in relation to categories or types of ratios(mathematical operators), within the constrained universe (co-relational partial perspectives in an attempt to be usefully applied as applications).

How many different interpretations get spawned from trying to interpret the above word hash about Realism?

Currently in Science, most of what characterizes Actual Physics is ignored. Partly by necessity, and by preconceived notions that there must be one solution. There are many state-based frames of reference modeled, and they overlap.

Example: our Dimension is referred to as the Observable Universe. These inferred Expectations are blind to nonlinear developments. Analyses are required by engineering constraints to force fit conclusions into Observable expectations. Observable physics is a tiny part of Actual Physics.

Most mass is not characterized by the Higgs Boson, most mass relates to qualities of energy, momentum, inertia, and force seemingly related to three quarks in nucleon. Qualities related to manipulating Gravity.

In the framework of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), strictly a state-based model and not at all a representation of actual physics.  This theory in no way correlates with the entire universe as actual physics does.

QCD is a theory that describes the strong nuclear force, the relationship between energy and mass arises from the phenomenon known as chiral symmetry breaking. Chiral symmetry is a symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian that relates left-handed and right-handed quarks.

In the absence of chiral symmetry breaking, quarks would be massless particles. However, it is experimentally observed that quarks have non-zero masses. Chiral symmetry breaking in QCD is responsible for generating the masses of quarks through a mechanism called the Higgs mechanism.  A model forced to fit the partial observation.

Within the QCD vacuum, which is the ground state of the theory (not an actual vacuum; instead the absence of), a phenomenon called color confinement occurs. Color confinement means that quarks cannot exist as free particles but are bound together inside hadrons such as protons and neutrons. The vacuum of QCD is filled with virtual quark-antiquark pairs that continually pop in and out of existence.  Dualities fluctuate into and out of relevance.

These virtual quark-antiquark pairs interact strongly with the gluons, the force-carrying particles of the strong force. The interactions between quarks, antiquarks, and gluons generate a complex and dynamic behavior within the vacuum where dualities of virtual quark-antiquark make probability profiles of interactions. This strong interaction leads to the formation of a non-zero expectation value for the quark-antiquark condensate, a quantity related to the average number of quark-antiquark pairs present in the vacuum.

The existence of the quark-antiquark condensate breaks chiral symmetry, resulting in the emergence of quark masses. The interaction between quarks and the condensate generates an effective potential, similar to the Higgs field in the electroweak theory. This potential gives rise to the mass terms for the quarks, making them acquire non-zero masses.

The QCD vacuum and the interaction between quarks, antiquarks, and gluons lead to chiral symmetry breaking, which results in the generation of quark masses. The energy associated with the strong interactions in the vacuum contributes to the overall mass of hadrons, such as protons and neutrons, composed of bound quarks.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are “postulated” to relate to a strong-force gravity when atoms lack sufficient weak-force gravity for binding.  In intergalactic space, there is about one hydrogen atom per cubic centimeter (19).  Pure hydrogen atoms separated near one atom per cubic centimeter pull on quark and strong-force gravity dominates.  When atoms get close in proximity, weak-force gravity dominates and strong-force gravity pulls the atoms back into vacuum balance; Dark Energy.

Though strong force gravity is very large compared to weak force gravity, the density of hydrogen atoms is small.  Suspected is that spiral galaxies may have a distribution of perceived Dark Matter within their spirals.  The JWST may be able to overlay Dark Matter with vacuum density to detect potential correlations.

Gravity relates to the curvature of spacetime physics, and as a form of duality the localization and adjacency of space/time physics; manipulating Scalar Relativity. Discussed below. (9)

The underpinnings of the Observable Universe are vastly more complex than the objects we perceive and model. What we see is a partial perspective, that has no immutable objects. Elements of approximation are used for descriptions.

The speed of the universe’s expansion from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope seems to show “space itself is pulling apart at the seams”, expanding at a rate of 74.3 ± 2.1 km (46.2 ± 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (~3 million light-years).

That is a potential for other factors within definitions to influence observations.

46.2/( 3 ×106 x 5.879 × 1012 ) =

46.2/1.7635876 x 1019 Miles/Miles

2.6196601 × 10-18 parts per mile
With variabilities less than 3% of this very small number.
Other influences can potentially bias this measurement if yet unknown factors are present.  The same support for Dark Flow may be present in perceived expansion of the universe.
This experiment may be fully characterized and accurate.  But influence of gravity cannot yet be determined.  Currently, the full influences of gravity have yet to be defined.

If those numbers are a little too much to contemplate, rest assured that’s really, really fast. And it’s getting faster all the time

How does evolving flux get modeled to correlate with commonly retained repeatable relationships, that are themselves evolving diversely; i.e. applied to actual physics?

Causation and Duality

Actual physics has as part of observations, sympathetic recursion. An instantaneous state of actual physics formed from a succession of recursive flux; a precursor of causation, an evolving state, a quantum event, an element of duality, and an element of Relativity. Sympathetic Recursion is often seen throughout Particle Physics. Like modeled electron shells that are constantly evolving in recursive orbits. Evolving of modeled states; decoherence.

Evolving influence can be seen in an after-effect of recursion; a change from recursion.

The postulate for detecting evolving influence is by the negation of recursive properties. Relating to quantum entanglements. Opposite spin. This is unclear, and only a postulate based on qualities of state-based observations.

Sympathetic Recursion of Evolving Flux has the potential to be modeled as dualities; indefinite numbers of stateless influences.  Entangled Recursions are eaten away by vast evolving influences; a potential description of Decoherence. A potential opportunity to trigger quantum events underpinning Relativity; changing qualities of Qubits as an example.(15)

Creating memory “states” in quantum computers significantly increases the latency of processing. However, evolving precursors for dualities may limit latency, stateless underpinnings for “precursors” of states, non-relativistic processing; or instantaneous processors.(16, 17) Since humans can only think in terms of state-based systems, designing an instantaneous processor would be an extraordinary achievement.  Precursors to Relativity, but not reaching a state of Relativity.  Exactness has to create approximations and variability for humans to perceive and communicate with the outputs.

For humans to understand the I/O of an instantaneous computer, states of Relativity would need to be created for the quantum computer to communicate. Creating Relativity.  Quantum Pilot Wave Theory is an example.(18)

There is no chaos in Actual Physics. Decoherence is the fading of correlation from a state-based perspective.  Relativity is a perceived model of states.

The objective of detecting “evolving influences” is to isolate Decoherence due to stateless evolution, find Decoherence due to state-based recursive systems, and then model a duality that represents a form of Relativity. Bias Space, “/”, and Time of space/time to bend Realism.

Particle Physics has no immutable objects. Immutable relationships of the Standard Model come from accepted variations and/or circular logic. State-based Models represent a more likely significance within the limited constraints of consideration. Quantum Mechanics relates systems of probabilities (probability of states). Evolving influences are found in the distribution profile of live probabilities. Obtaining useful data to correlate evolving influence is difficult.

Instantaneous relates to being unrelated to Time, unrelated to Space, and/or being both unrelated to Time and Space. Creating experiments to detect evolving influence requires non-observable relationships.

Actual Physics is stateless. Perpetual evolving causal flux. Sympathetic Recursions are Precursors for Relativity and also represent human limitations in relating to Actual Physics.

Potentially an infinite number of dimensional systems are needed to most closely approximate a model for actual physics. Since infinite dimensions are beyond reasonable consideration. Science currently excludes modeling evolving causality and only models poorly constrained frames of reference to correlate recursive state-based systems.

A Theory of Everything (TOE) is beyond human capacity.

    • Infinite means beyond reasonable consideration
    • Mathematics and Physics relationships citing infinite, or any other absolute condition is a grossly uncharacterized gap in reasoning and experimentation.

To model hidden variables within scientific units, all dimensional units related to actual physics may be related by dualities.  Postulated are two forms of state-based dimensional systems (models) that are related but function independently from each other. State-based recurrent dimensions (adjacency, sequences) and evolving flux state-based dimensions (localization, instance). Progression of modeled causality, relativity. A state-based approximation of duality.

The synapse of our brains convert diverse variations (time based pulses) into state-based scalar variations. Fundamentally our thoughts are constrained to state-based representations.

Recurrent models are what humans relate to with equations. Evolving flux without “unintended vectors of variation” is how actual physics changes “instant within an instant”. All words and units are overlapping magnitudes, ratios, and sequences to describe an instant in actual physics. Everything mutually influences everything else.

This means humans cannot know any certainty; we cannot know any truth.

We do the best we can with what we have available. We think broadly, critical, and evaluate every situation with the insight of partial perspectives.

How is all this useful?

Quantum Mechanics constrains “unit” measurements from distributed probabilities. Converts evolving points of measurement to a state-based scalar approximation.

Probability profiles indicate influence from the entire universe. Phase relationships found in probability profiles indicate other factors hidden within scientific units. Uncharacterized Dimensions of Classification.

A method for building extra-dimensional models autonomously is described below.

Quantum Mechanics is only one method of modeling and investigating hidden variables to better model Actual Physics.

An attempt to correlate Quantum Mechanics with Relativity

Search: quantum pilot wave theory

Dimensional Dualities

Postulated is that all Higgs Bosons are mutually entangled. A four-dimensional state-based construct.

Actual physics is stateless and this point of reference may provide a single point from which to measure and model duality in actual physics; relative to our observable universe.

If hidden properties of Higgs Boson evolve, electromagnetic propagation may have a detectable limit. Some feature is seen (referenced) while others are transparent (LESS referenced, or referenced differently). A Continuum of Transformation is part of Actual physics. Everything considered is a partial perspective of a Continuum of evolution.

Objects are interactive evolving references; not state-based objects.

Galaxies appearing uncharacteristic is an example of nonlinear physics that is observable. Object girths increase when accelerated. Decentralized Expansion of the observable universe, galaxies rotating faster than they should be, time dilation… Nonlinear translates to evolving state-based systems. Malable, Time and Space are derived approximations.

Building Extra Dimensions

Autonomously creating extra-dimensional models may be initiated based on retrospective data analysis. DARPA has discretionary funding for quantum-based tools development.

A cursory path of development:

    • CERN has previously modeled Extra Dimension and Exotic Particles (libraries of relationships, not immutable objects).
    • Being restricted to state-based models is a human constraint. We can eventually build Artificial Intelligence into quantum computers that will not have the same constraints.
      • AI potentially manipulates related systems nonlinearly to promote a remote quantum entanglement
      • Nonlinear mass manipulations create systems favoring some form of duality
      • Creating dualities with Quantum Entanglement produces instantaneous communications
      • Artificial Intelligence can potentially manipulate physics remotely
      • Space/Time manipulation
      • Gravity as an evolving resultant, found in Scalar Relativity (moderation of dualities)

There are no consistent states

There is a major difference between spacetime and space/time physics.

Spacetime assumes the curvature of spacetime is only a mass and energy resultant.  Spacetime does not explain dark matter or dark energy. Dark matter in spacetime is a mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe, but we don’t know what it is made of. Dark energy is a mysterious force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate, but we don’t know what it is or where it comes from.

Scalar Relativity (“/” in meters/second) is a new theory of gravity that is based on the idea that spacetime is not a smooth continuum but is instead made up of discrete units called quanta. These quanta are thought to be responsible for dark matter and dark energy.  Quanta are uncharacterized relational vectors.

In Scalar Relativity, the density of the intergalactic vacuum is thought to be decreasing over time. This decrease in density is thought to cause the quanta of space/time to separate, which in turn produces strong force gravity instead of weak force gravity. This strong force gravity is what we observe as dark matter and dark energy.

Scalar Relativity is a new and untested theory, but it has the potential to explain some of the most puzzling mysteries in physics. If Scalar Relativity is correct, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe. (9, 10, 11)

Every point of reference is diversely evolving in actual physics, and mutually affecting dynamic changes everywhere.  The entire universe has the potential to be described at every point in the entire universe; i.e. every point of reference in scientific units has absolute localization embedded into its representation.  But approximation of sympathetic recursions propagates; localization and causal adjacency propagate diversely. Scalar Relativity.

Research Involving Scalar Relativity

Space and Time do not actually exist as fundamental factors underpinning physics. They are scalar approximations, from current perspective to predicted change, lagging actual physics.

Relativity is causal duality. Recurrent and Evolving causal systems when in duality create Relativity (a system of state-based approximations that promote instantaneous sympathetic recursions in Actual Physics).

Because Actual Physics is an instantaneous evolving flux, as the Observer, everything that is to follow has already been initiated. Before and After. Relativity is not regulated by Space nor Time. These are derived approximations in support of Relativity. Scalar Relativity regulates our perception of Space and Time. From evolving instance to the next universal instance considered, everything has changed. Humans must re-evaluate EVERYTHING because nothing is the same.  We detect what seem to be trends. Exactness is a human effort to fit a Universe into human unconstrained dimensions.

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is potentially a cosmic indicator of evolving physics.  The linear qualities in a nonlinear environment are a perception of a continuum evolving.  Where Entropy underpinnings of physics are correlated in the context of Energy.  If Relativity is scalar-biased throughout systems of physics, Entropy, and CMB are potentially correlated. Entropy is not polarized, and CMB is polarized.  In terms of magnitudes of change, Entropy and CMB seem to correspond with each other.  CMB is ordered, and Entropy is disordered, yet they correspond in absolute magnitudes of change.

What about the observable universe expansion, accounts for many magnitudes of change?

Actual physics flux referenced from the perspective of observable state-based models describes all Higgs Bosons mutually entangled (mass), and other evolving relationships of mass forming related dualities: force, acceleration, velocity, momentum, inertia, energy, power…

All mass-related classical physics equations. Localization and adjacency, are moderated by “meters/second” (space/time) in all of those equations.

“meters/second” in these equations is a state-based mathematical localization of space/time.

Where “/“ in meters/second is “Scalar Relativity”. The hidden overlapping factors within “/“ provide absolute localization and causal adjacency. Of which gravity is a resultant, not a force. All Matter is causally adjacent based on the subatomic progression of influences that form properties of adjacency.

Not lost in consideration is the speed of light (meters/second) where “/“ moderates scalar speed; hidden variables. Light propagates within subatomic influences; i.e. permittivity and permeability.

Gravity is found in the hidden variables caused by descriptive unit approximations plus uncharacterized scalar composites of vector variabilities. Including not providing evolution to the related duality models.

Absolute Position is then a composite of three concurrently interactive dimensions, that localize a point in the entire observable universe:

    • differential velocities unify inertia and momentum
    • Scalar Relativity provides unique properties to every point (localization & adjacency)
    • all mutually entangled Higgs Boson provides an anchor for causal dualities we refer to as Relativity

Quantum Mechanics in cosmological pursuits, can potentially break apart Scalar Relativity “/“ to better model tools for manipulation of space/time physics (identifying and creating dualities).

    • reversing global warming and promoting climate stability regardless of natural or man-made influences
    • terraforming Venus and other planets
    • creating self-sufficient space-based civilizations
    • promoting evolving of new species of life everywhere
    • gravity propulsion
    • non-deformable materials
    • radiation shielding coatings
    • a process similarly modeled as zero-point energy
    • zero-energy physics transforms
    • absolute position in the observable universe
    • building detectors to see beyond the presently observed earliest universe
    • instantaneous communications

Applications evolve sustaining entire economic systems of development.

Using these tools, both state-based models (information) and stateless flux (manipulation) may provide for a growing number of interrelated dimensions for better modeling actual physics. Detection and the manipulation of evolving underpinnings of physics.

Using String Theory as a tool in Quantum Mechanics may evolve better fitting new dimensions for modeling actual physics, but still has limited applications.

String Theory “evolves” dimensional models from interactive phases of influence within experimental probability profiles developed in support of Quantum Mechanics.

As cited previously, using state-based models alone may require an infinite number (beyond reasonable expectation) of dimensions to fully model an evolving flux. However, using evolving flux to trigger when state-based models are relevant, may allow for warping space/time physics, but with some unexpected side effects, and a limited number of applications.

Manipulation of more than Gravity

Artificial intelligence manipulation of genetic algorithms to train neural networks.

New String Theory Dimensions autonomously generated by retrospective analysis of Quantum Mechanics experimental probability data, may provide a continuum of nonlinear manipulation.

Phase relationships of probability, correlated with state-based observations, identify recursive parts of duality, and by negating related state-based relationships, the evolving parts of that duality are identified; underpinnings of Relativity.

Extra dimensions contribute to gravity as a resultant of perceived matter in subatomic influences. Gravity is not a force and is actually a property of localization and adjacency. More strongly related to Scalar Relativity (“/”).

But Artificial Intelligence need not be state-based. Intelligence based on evolving flux may provide for instantaneous processing. Processing unrelated to Space and/or Time. Instantaneous processing may allow for generating alternate dimensions and creating references for designer universes. Not just warping Space/Time physics; instead, altering what is considered Space and Time.

What people commonly refer to as teleportation and time travel; and many things not previously considered. May be feasible through transitional physics; transforms.

In Actual Physics, everything mutually influences everything else. A transform may be required to controllably evolve the alternate intended outcomes. Something an instantaneous processor may be capable of doing.

Correlating with Present Observations

The NASA James West Space Telescope (JWST) research team, using diverse observation tools, detects a decentralized infinitely expansive Thermally Flat Universe that existed for 320-million years before the first galaxies were detected.

Search: NASA Webb bang

    • The Thermally Flat Universe had no distortions at its earliest detection.
    • The Thermally Flat Universe had fully developed underpinnings at the time of the first detection. All actual physics indicates a continuum of evolving underpinnings.
    • Most physics is not directly observable.

The intergalactic vacuum has about one hydrogen atom per cubic centimeter (Harvard). The atoms are held separately by subatomic influences.

The observable universe is a Continuum of subatomic influences. The observable universe has no voids. “Nothing” as a concept does not exist. An approximation for below-detection.

As a continuum, the underpinnings of the Thermally Flat Universe existed before the first detection, and was fully expansive.

The observable universe evolved into existence, where underpinnings for everything already existed, and everywhere at the same time a new frame of reference was being introduced.  Expansion may be due to living within an evolving frame of reference.

The first detected galaxies are uncharacteristically complex; different from newly forming galaxies. Galaxy formations take billions of years, not millions.

Dimensions of physics existed before the Thermally Flat Universe.

The observable universe appears to be expanding at a volume acceleration of 70 kilometers/sec every 3.26 light years. The volume density is diminishing exponentially by distance from the observer. What dimensions within each scientific unit allows this to be possible?

The observable universe is part of a Sequential Multiverse; physics underpinnings were different and evolved into the present observable universe. A Sequential Multiverse can be convergent, divergent, linear, intersecting, or something else.

A Linear Sequential Multiverse is interesting because everything and everyone diversely repeats, eventually.


In conclusion, James Dunn’s article explores the limitations of humans in creating a Theory of Everything (TOE) in physics. It discusses challenges in modeling Actual Physics, including Relativity and the manipulation of space/time physics. The article emphasizes the human mind’s reliance on state-based expressions and its struggle with a stateless physics system. Dunn introduces topics such as scalar representation of uncharacterized vectors, causation and duality, dimensional dualities, and manipulating more than gravity to illustrate these limitations.

The article highlights the contextual nature of language and the need to consider evolving flux in modeling actual physics. It suggests that AI has the potential to overcome these limitations by autonomously generating dimensions and manipulating evolving flux, leading to a comprehensive TOE beyond human comprehension.

Furthermore, the article discusses implications for applications and relates them to present observations, such as the Thermally Flat Universe and pre-existing underpinnings predating the first detected galaxies, illustrating the complexity of the Multiverse.

In summary, the article concludes that while humans face limitations in comprehending evolving flux and formulating a TOE, stateless AI may possess the capacity to achieve what humans cannot. This opens new possibilities for scientific exploration and advancement.

Follow-up Research Recommendations

Based on the article by James Dunn, the following recommendations for follow-up research can be made:

    1. Investigate the role of state-based expressions in human cognition and its limitations in understanding stateless physics: Further research can explore the cognitive processes involved in comprehending and expressing concepts related to stateless physics. Understanding the specific challenges faced by the human mind in grasping these concepts can provide insights into the limitations of human cognition.
    2. Explore the potential of AI in developing a Theory of Everything (TOE): Building upon the author’s suggestion, research can be conducted to investigate the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence in autonomously generating dimensions and manipulating evolving flux. This could involve developing AI models specifically designed to explore and model complex physical phenomena beyond human comprehension.
    3. Examine the contextual nature of language in modeling actual physics: Language plays a crucial role in expressing and communicating scientific concepts. Research can delve into the relationship between language and the modeling of actual physics, considering the contextual nature of language and its impact on understanding and representing complex physical phenomena.
    4. Investigate the implications of the article’s ideas for cosmological observations: The article mentions the correlation between the proposed ideas and present observations such as the detection of a Thermally Flat Universe and the existence of underpinnings predating the first detected galaxies. Further research can explore these implications in more detail, examining how the proposed concepts align with current cosmological theories and observations.
    5. Study the ethical and practical implications of AI-driven scientific exploration: If AI were to play a significant role in developing a TOE, it is important to consider the ethical and practical implications. Research can focus on topics such as the governance of AI in scientific research, the reliability of AI-generated models, and the potential impact of AI-driven discoveries on society.
    6. What we unintentionally do to others ethically allows others to inflict upon us. If we carelessly destroy civilizations, we ourselves may need to be destroyed.
    7. 10June2023, Found a reference to an accomplished physicist in Scalar Relativity Tensors, Clifford M. Will, PhD. Looking forward to reading his works.

By pursuing these research recommendations, a deeper understanding of the limitations of human cognition, the potential of AI, the nature of language in physics, the implications of proposed concepts for cosmology, and the ethical considerations of AI-driven research can be gained, contributing to the advancement of physics and our quest for a Theory of Everything.

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  • “The Limits of Reason: Why a Theory of Everything may be Impossible” by Sabine Hossenfelder
  • “The Universe Beyond the Standard Model: A Theory of Everything?” by John Ellis
  • Gardiner, B. (2022, January 24). NASA’s Webb telescope captures stunning image of distant galaxy. CNN.
  • “The Future of Physics: Can AI Help Solve the Universe’s Deepest Mysteries?” by Paul Halpern
  • “Artificial Intelligence and the Search for a Theory of Everything” by Alex Millar
  • “Is the Universe a Hologram? Exploring the Holographic Principle” by Leonard Susskind
  • Cho, A. (2022, January 14). Stunning new image is the deepest and sharpest infrared view of the universe yet. Science.
  • “The Ghost in the Atom: Can Quantum Mechanics Provide a Theory of Everything?” by Paul Davies and Julian Brown
  • “The Fabric of Reality: Exploring the Nature of Space and Time” by David Deutsch
  • “Beyond Spacetime: The Limits of Our Understanding of the Physical World” by Nick Huggett
  • “The End of Physics?” by Adam Becker
  • “The Universe Within: Why We May Never Fully Understand the Cosmos” by Neil Turok
  • “The Limits of the Scientific Method: Can We Find a Theory of Everything?” by Stuart Kauffman
  • “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” by Eugene Wigner
  • “The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next” by Lee Smolin
  • “The Power of AI in Physics Research” by Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
  • “The Theory of Everything: A Roadmap for Physics?” by David Gross and Edward Witten
  • “The AI Revolution in Theoretical Physics” by Juan Carrasquilla
  • “String Theory: The Search for a Theory of Everything” by Brian Greene
  • “The Limits of Computation: Can We Simulate the Universe?” by Seth Lloyd
  • “The Holographic Universe: A New Model of Reality” by Michael Talbot
  • “The Limits of Intuition: Why We Need AI to Understand the Universe” by Max Tegmark.
  • NASA. (2022, January 27). James Webb Space Telescope: The Science.